My goal for the “Essentials in Hospice Palliative Care” resources is to develop resources that are user friendly, functional, delicious and digestible, and that increase the students’ competence, confidence and compassion in caring for the dying.
How do we know if the resources are what I hope they are? And how do we improve them so that they can in fact help students provide excellent care for the dying?
I am thrilled to announce that we have begun a formal program (resource) evaluation. Joining our in house team of researchers (Ted and Ann-Marie) are Drs. Anne Bruce (UVIC Nursing Professor) and Antoinette Oberg (Retired UVIC Professor in Curriculum Studies).
It has been an energizing experience to meet with these individuals, share my hopes for the resources, and then to design evaluation tools to better understand what we are in fact accomplishing, and how the resources are being received.
This is the best of the best of opportunities for me to work with these individuals and see them each excel in their field!
On May 1st the survey opens to all instructors that have taught the new Module 14, and to students who have completed this module.
Click here for further information.
For those who are interested in participating but are not in the NACC program, please let us know. We are interested in your feedback.