As we move through December, I reflect on the past year and wonder what the new year may bring. I am grateful, and at Life and Death Matters, we are grateful, for all the opportunities we had to connect with people – in person – especially in the past few months. It was wonderful to be with people again! I love being “naked from the neck up”. Yes, I missed the human connections of being up close and personal with people during the pandemic.
The end of the year is often a time for making resolutions for the next year. Rather than resolutions, I share one hope and two commitments.
My Hope
On a global level, oh, how I hope for the war in Ukraine to end and for people to be safe in their homelands. We know that there are many other wars – within and between countries – where conflict continues, and people suffer. Oh, to think and hope that these conflicts could also be resolved!
My Commitments
On a local level, I take my hope and transform it into actions. This year I commit to:
- Reaching out to help someone who has been affected by a death due to the toxic drug and overdose crisis
- Explore something that Ted and I can do to provide assistance/support to people who are unsheltered* in the Victoria region.
Our Hopes for You
Our hope for each of you is that you will welcome the Winter Solstice, celebrate festivities, enjoy your religious traditions and spiritual connections, feast on wonderful food, and have restorative times.
From everyone here at Life and Death Matters, we send our best wishes to each of you, your family, and your community.
Happy Holidays
Hanukkah Sameach
Merry Christmas
Heri Za Kwanzaa!
*The term “unsheltered” is used to refer to any person who does not have access to secure and consistent housing or food, for any reason.