PSWs* identify their top five concerns

PSWs* identify their top five concerns

Life & Death Matters Post

In July 2021 we invited PSWs (HCAs/CCAs) to identify their top five concerns. Their responses:

  1. Preventing compassion fatigue and burnout.
  2. Dealing with grief associated with COVID, restrictions, etc..
  3. Finding education in palliative and end-of-life care education and training.
  4. Building the skills to be heard and acknowledged as vital members of the team.
  5. Working short staffed.

PSWs identified their top three reasons for engaging in education as:

  • To learn the latest knowledge and best practices.
  • To improve their skills to be a stronger member of the team.
  • To discover new tools and resources.

The PSW concerns and rationale for further education are supported by the recommendations from the July 2020, Ontario Ministry of Long Term Care report titled, “Staffing in Long Term Care”.

This timely report highlighted the need to treat PSWs as full members of the team, and to provide education and increased leadership opportunities.

We are pleased to announce Palliative Care Education for PSWs, PACE for PSWs – this new online program is designed specifically for PSWs/HCAs/CCAs. This flexible online education, is a great opportunity for learning for PSWs and a wonderful way for teams to give thanks and support PSWs in their learning.

*PSWs – aka Health Care Assistants, Continuing Care Assistants, and refers to paid caregivers with other titles who do similar work.


Check out learning options at PACE for PSWs


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Courtney Murrell is a PSW who works in hospice palliative care.

When she is not at work, she is spending time with her family, going on hikes or writing. Courtney is a lifelong learner and loves to share her passion for writing as a wellness practice.

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