Loss Grief and Growth Education Resource launched in Alberta!

Loss Grief and Growth Education Resource launched in Alberta!

Life & Death Matters Post

On Friday April 29, 2011 at the Alberta Funeral Service Association (AFSA) annual conference, the “Loss Grief and Growth Education Resource (LGG) was launched.(For further information about LGG go to: https://kathmurray.blogspot.com/2010/06/loss-grief-and-growth-education-project.html)

The AFSA committee, led by SHeila Van Alstyne, presented the work that they have done to facilitate the implementation by both the Funeral Directors and the Schools. They have compiled “KITS” with the LGG resource, supporting materials, and copies of the “essential” books that each school would do well to have on hand. With kits in hand, the Funeral Directors can approach the schools, provide the resources, and offer education/support/resources. With kits already compiled, the teachers will not have to fund or find funding to purchase basic resources to have on hand.

It was great to be among the Funeral Directors again. I continue to be surprised by the commitment of so many to their communities and their clients. In the future, I will write more about this.


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Courtney Murrell is a PSW who works in hospice palliative care.

When she is not at work, she is spending time with her family, going on hikes or writing. Courtney is a lifelong learner and loves to share her passion for writing as a wellness practice.

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