They are known by many different names, Personal Support Workers, Health Care Workers, Community Health Workers, Home Support Workers, Resident Care Assistants, and Health Care Assistants.
They provide personal care so people can stay at home when they are no longer independent. They provide 70% of direct care in facilities. They are skilled at personal physical care, while striving to provide holistic support to the individual. They are often the eyes, ears, hands and heart of the health care team. Without them, governments could not even begin to talk about “care at home”.
In Canada, or at least in BC and Ontario, we celebrate this group of caregivers in October.
Vancouver 16th in Vancouver a celebration is scheduled at the Burnaby Hilton. I am honoured to be invited to speak, and hope to meet you there!
Victoria October 18th a celebration is planned for Ross PLace. (See invitation THANKS SO MUCH Kathy Ajas, the many home care agencies and Camosun and Sprott Shaw Colleges for sponsoring this event!
The Ontario Personal Support Worker Association is leading a celebration in Niagara Falls on October 19th. (WE plan to attend while we are in the east. See you there!)
I look forward to the celebrations, and the opportunity to tribute this incredible group of people and the amazing work that they do.
Warm regards,