Nurse’s Online Text |

Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse

Online textbook, Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse, by Katherine Murray



This is the text for every nurse!

The nurse’s text, Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse, is available as an online text. Easily accessible 24/7 from tablet, phone, and desktop devices.

For learners on the go who want to have the best resources at their fingertips! Completely searchable and indexed, with full colour illustrations. This text is filled with practical strategies for providing care, and for preparing to provide care for a dying person and their family. It’s the “go-to” resource for nurses working in the community, long-term care, residential care, and acute care.



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Essentials in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Resource for Every Nurse

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Courtney Murrell is a PSW who works in hospice palliative care.

When she is not at work, she is spending time with her family, going on hikes or writing. Courtney is a lifelong learner and loves to share her passion for writing as a wellness practice.

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