The last two and a half months I have been retreating… time with siblings from Denmark, Australia and Vancouver, time on the water, time in the water, and a lot of time writing!
The new text, “Integrating a Palliative Approach: Essentials for Personal Support Workers” is just about to go to the press. We are thrilled. By the middle of October it should be up on Amazon and available to order. Thanks to all who have participated, shared stories, contributed to the research, provided your expert opinions!
It is incredible to see the beautiful illustrations by Joanne Thomson. In this illustration, the comfort basket shows a few of the comfort measures that a personal care provider can use to help people feel more comfortable.

What are your favorite things to put into your comfort basket? What are you hoping will be in a comfort basket when you are dying?
Next week I head to Montreal for the International Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill. I am so looking forward to rubbing shoulders with health care professionals from around the world, and being taught by some of the greatest practitioners and researchers. If you are attending, email me and let’s try and connect.
Warm regards,