Life and Death Matters is proud to present a new and comprehensive set of video resources that delve into the intricacies of delirium. Delirium, often overlooked, is a significant aspect of palliative care. In our latest video series, available exclusively to active digital resource subscribers, we cover everything from understanding what delirium is to providing compassionate care and crucial support for those experiencing it.
We are excited to share with you a taste of this important video series. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, a caregiver, or simply someone eager to expand your understanding of life’s delicate balance, join us on this journey of better understanding delirium.
Watch this video to understand what is meant by “nearing death awareness” and how it can be similar to delirium. Learn ways to provide culturally supportive care for a person experiencing nearing death awareness and ways to support their family.
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If you have an active membership, you can watch all of the Delirium videos in our video library under Enhancing Physical Comfort. Log-in to view the entire series.
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