Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue

Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue

Life & Death Matters Post
 A few years ago I met Francoise Mathieu at a Hospice Palliative Care Conference.  I was struck by her enormous energy, creative insights, and dedication to helping us caregivers take care of ourselves.Since that time I have been wanting to participate in one of the workshops that she or her group are offering.  This particular one on November 18th in Kingston, Ontario, looks great: Walking the Walk: Creative Tools for Transforming Compassion Fatigue.

Francoise is a Compassion Fatigue Specialist.  She writes:

Compassion fatigue is characterized by deep emotional and physical exhaustion and by a shift in a helping professional’s sense of hope and optimism about the future and the value of their work. It has been called “a disorder that affects those who do their work well” (Figley 1995) The level of compassion fatigue a helper experiences can ebb and flow from one day to the next, and even very healthy helpers with optimal life/work balance and self care strategies can experience a higher than normal level of compassion fatigue when they are overloaded, are working with a lot of traumatic content, or find their case load suddenly heavy with clients who are all chronically in crisis.Compassion fatigue is a normal consequence of working in the helping field. The best strategy to address compassion fatigue is to develop excellent self care strategies, as well as an early warning system that lets the helper know that they are moving into the caution zone of Compassion Fatigue.

Topics covered will include:

  • Understanding compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout
  • Symptom checklist, targeting areas for strategic planning
  • Evaluating self-care, identifying triggers
  • Developing a personalised strategic plan for identifying and treating compassionfatigue.

    If you are able to make it, please let me know what you discovered! 

    Warm regards,

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Courtney Murrell is a PSW who works in hospice palliative care.

When she is not at work, she is spending time with her family, going on hikes or writing. Courtney is a lifelong learner and loves to share her passion for writing as a wellness practice.

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