On route to the post office. Road constructions. Stop sign.
I pull over to the side, now is as good a time as any to check for messages.
A knock on my window, “Love, can you move over further? Cars and trucks are having to swerve to get past you.”
“Really? Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize”
“No problem love, just pull on up there and pull over further, …. there you go, that is perfect.”
When I finished with my emails, she directed me forward and into the line up, waved, smiled, gave me a thumbs up and wished me a wonderful day.
Don’t you love it when you meet people that remind you of how to live?
Yesterday Christina Foerster and Deb Starck and I were recording podcasts. As we talked about caring for the body after death, Christina said, “It is not what you do so much as how you do it”.
Whether we are flag persons, surgeons, nurses or undertakers – it is less about what we do, and more about how we do it!
Have a great day.