BCHPCA conference, May 2010, Vancouver/Surrey BC

BCHPCA conference, May 2010, Vancouver/Surrey BC

Life & Death Matters Post

Hi all, I am excited to announce the upcoming BCHPCA conference in Vancouver BC.

Several years ago I attended the International Congress on the Care of the Terminally Ill in Montreal. I was greatly influenced as I heard internationally renown speakers address the issues that face people dying with non-cancer diagnosis, the challenges that these people experience when they need HPC services but do not qualify, and the challenges we will face in the coming years as the majority of us die following progressive chronic illnesses. (This conference influenced me my development of my presentation titled “Unprecedented! We have never died like this” addressing dying with chronic illness, the changing demographics, and the coming of the Baby Boomers!)

Della Roberts, nurse consultant extraordinaire, and chair of the BCHPCA conference planning committee was also in attendance. When we met in the planning sessions for this conference, we discussed the Montreal conference, the great speakers that we heard there, and some of the speakers who presented at the National Hospice Palliative Care Organization conference in Denver Colorado in Sept 2010. I am thrilled to announce that some of these great presenters will be providing keynote addresses at the BC conference!

This will be an excellent conference for those individuals who may not necessarily be working IN hospice palliative care, but who ARE caring for the dying across the continuum of care, in diverse settings.

I hope to see some of the LDMonline students and some of the college students who are using “Essentials in Hospice Palliative Care” resources at the conference!

BCHPCA Annual Conference
Raising the Torch – Expanding the Vision
May 14-15, 2010
Sheraton Guildford, Surrey, B.C.

Professional and Volunteer Care Providers Working in Hospitals, Hospices
Residential Care, Community Care, Chronic Disease Services, Critical Care,
This Conferences is for you!

We invite all physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals to join with Hospice Palliative Care providers,

administrators, lay leaders, and Hospice volunteers for two days of educational sessions and networking opportunities.

Did you know?

· 2/3 will die with 2 or more chronic diseases after months or years in a state of vulnerable frailty – only 1/5 of us will die with a recognizable terminal phase

· Those sick enough to die, but not sure to die within months, will not be referred to palliative care programs but would benefit from a palliative approach to care

· 260,000 die each year in Canada – projected to increase to 430,000 in just 20 year

· For each death that occurs 5 others are affected – 1.5 Million this year in Canada

Key Speakers:

Dr. Graeme Rocker, Respirologist, “Palliative Care: Expanding the Vision”

Bev Foster, performer & music educator “ENDNOTES: How music can be used as a means of care for both care receivers and caregivers”

Dr. Sara N. Davison, Nephrologist, “A Palliative Approach in End Stage Renal Disease: Shifting the Focus from Aggressive Life Prolongation”

Barbara Morningstar, Hospice Program Director, “What I know now that I didn’t know then”

Camara van Breemen, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Play Therapist & Nurse Practitioner “Care of children & families”

Antony Holland, One of Canada’s most acclaimed actors, performing “Tuesday’s with Morrie”

For More Information: Call 604-267-7024

To Become a Sponsor: To become a sponsor contact, Dan Levitt, Director, Fundraising and Development, Tel: 604-341-0445

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Courtney Murrell is a PSW who works in hospice palliative care.

When she is not at work, she is spending time with her family, going on hikes or writing. Courtney is a lifelong learner and loves to share her passion for writing as a wellness practice.

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